Shift Corporate Coach Program™

Coaching is a critical leadership skill. This program embeds the coaching mindset and skills into leader’s framework for leading their people.

Take your Organization’s Leadership to the Next Level

Program description

The Shift Corporate Coach Program™ has been built specifically for Business Leaders to master coaching skills and take them to the next level. It was designed to be used in the corporate context, incorporating the language and tools relevant to business. This program is considered a “new best practice” and exceeds current industry standards.

The sessions will focus on unique aspects of Coaching that will equip leaders with the theoretical essentials and practical tools to provide effective support to their teams and embed coaching skills into their day-to-day activities. Participants will be exposed to leading edge content, concepts and models. This program is a fun, immersive, and memorable learning experience.

What to expect:

  • Blend of self-paced learning and live virtual sessions with practice and support built in.
  • Program delivered in an online virtual environment that provides seamless learning experience.
  • You will be expected to conduct 30 hours of practice coaching to earn the certification.


  • Introduce methods, practices, and skills that can enhance the ability to lead and connect with employees at all levels.
  • Equip leaders with the skills and practical tools necessary to create a fully functional internalized coaching system
  • Enhance the leader-as-coach effectiveness through discovery-based inquiry, managing others’ opportunities and challenges
  • Construct opportunities for framing feedback and observation, helping others to envision success, harness the possibility of positive thinking, and goal-oriented action.
  • Receive the Shift Corporate Coach Certificate
  • Eligible to receive the Register Corporate Coach (RCC) credential

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